
How to write numbers

  1. Write out numbers one to twelve and numbers that begin sentences.
  2. Use numerals for 13 to infinity.
  3. Use numerals for comparing numbers: 3 is less than 4.

Use numerals for decimals and put a zero (0) in front of the decimal point if there isn't a number in front of it.

  1. 0.3221
  2. 3.1428
  3. 223.000988

Use numerals for measurements and when using symbols, such as %, #, $

  1. 3 cups, 45 gallons, 22.2 acres
  2. 10 meters, 1500 kilometers, 3 gigabytes
  3. $56.22, 25%, 5#

Always write out ordinal numbers.

  1. 12th = no, twelfth = yes
  2. 1st = no, first = yes
  3. 7th = no, seventh = yes