engineering learning for efficiency


Rocket Ship with Flames and a Starfield
In my latest Youtube video, I explain how I created a rocket ship with flames in front of a star field using the Citrus Game Engine and FlashDevelop

Platform Game
So, here is the final installment of my game in FlashDevelop. You can find the video on Youtube here http://youtu.be/MLJOzZpTD3I.  Click on the link below to download the zip file containing the two Actionscript files.

Slideshow with EaselJS and the Writing Process
One of my most popular videos on YouTube is A Simple Slide Show in Flash CS3.  It was the first video I was able to monetize.  So, I decided to update it using modern technologies: Javascript, HTML5 and EaselJS.  I decided to use EaselJS because it works a lot like ActionScript 3.0, and I know AS3.

To start, I wanted to draw as much as I could programmatically.  So, the slides are jpg images and everything else is drawn from the program.  You can find the webpage at http://learningengineer.com/slideshow.html  If you right click on the page, you can see the source where you will find all of the required code with lots of explanations.  If you have questions, just let me know what you want to know.


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LearningEngineer is a non-profit devoted to creating eductational materials that promote learning, science and reason.