engineering learning for efficiency


Serious Games for Learning
This is the directory listing from Serious Games for Learning website. It is important to note that not all games are free.

Citizen Science
Although not just games, this web page from Scientific American magazines provides a rather comprehensive list of ways the ordinary citizen can take part in science.

fold it

Fold it is a game that uses crowdsourcing to help scientists determine the most compact shapes for folding proteins. It is a game you play. Give it a try.

EteRNA is another game, much like fold it, that has players folding RNA protein structures for compactness.

Portable Apps Game Section

What are portableapps?
Portable apps are applications that can be run from almost any computer any drive any time without installation. Most people run them from a USB drive.


What is LearningEngineer.com

LearningEngineer is a non-profit devoted to creating eductational materials that promote learning, science and reason.